Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Break

So, I haven't blogged much this week.  I'm on Spring Break and I decided that I would:
spend some time catching up on projects (key chain pics coming soon)
spend time dealing with some wedding stuff
spend time cleaning (UGH - it had to be done)
spend time with My Precious (yep - that's a napkin hat!)

I haven't fallen off of the 'blogging wagon' (however, I did fall off of the dieting wagon and I lost that sucker - if you see it, please send it back my way...I REALLY need to get back on it), I'm just taking a few days off this week.

My Precious and I were supposed to take engagement pics tomorrow. Not gonna happen. Stupid storms. So, we're shooting for next Saturday. Southern IL weather is ridiculously unpredictable.

So, I'll be back but probably not until Monday. Thanks for stopping by!


Unknown said...

Have a lovely spring break =]

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