That's right. I WANT a job. A full-time job. A job where I get up every single day and go do something I like. (No retail. No food service. No sales.) A job where I feel like I am making a difference. A job where I earn my paycheck. Is that too much to ask?
Apparently, yes.
How is it that I am not qualified to do 100's of things that I perfectly capable of doing? What's that, I don't have the appropriate degree? Here's some food for thought: I have spent approximately 7 years in higher education courses. 7 years! That means if I had been taking the appropriate coursework I would be 1 year and an exam away from being a doctor. But here's the thing...I'm not applying for jobs that require me to perform surgery, rocket science, or repair computers. I am NOT qualified to perform those tasks. However, I would be perfectly capable of performing the duties of a bank teller, a bookkeeper, an office assistant, I could supervise, manage, or direct. I was a teacher for Pete's sake...a MUSIC teacher! Oh, and did I mention that I managed to run my own business WHILE I was working full-time? I'm like Wonder Woman and Supergirl all wrapped up in one!
I'm amazing and you can't get past the fact that I majored in music.
I worked for a government program when I finished my undergrad - nothing to do with music. I went back to school because I was asked to implement a general music program in a school where one didn't exist. I didn't possess all of the skills I felt were needed. I found a way to learn. After 6 years, the school district cut the program. I took that job because I felt as though I could make a difference - and I DID. When they cut the program I knew I would never teach in a public school again. I married and we moved to Ohio. It isn't worth the hassle for me to switch all of my certifications only to once again struggle to find employment and always wonder if that will be the next thing on the chopping block. That season of my life is over and my heart isn't in it.
I am an intelligent woman. I am very organized and detail-oriented. I have many strengths that would serve employers well. So, why have I been unemployed for almost 18 months? That's right...I don't have the degree you seek. Here's a thought: Hire me and teach me how to do the things I can't figure out. You're going to do that anyways - even with the person who has the appropriate degree. Higher education is over-rated. Hire people and train them to do the work you require of them. Hire ME. I want a job!
PS- Why do you call something entry level if you're going to require an MBA and 4 other certifications?